Everything about RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ vs Apache Kafka
The Queue(RabbitMQ) vs. The Log (Apache Kafka)
- FIFO data structure
- Optimized for efficient write and read operations from either end of the sequence
- Stored data is transient in nature
- Not shared between applications
Also known as write-ahead logs, transaction logs and commit logs
Append-only. Ordered by time
Unique log sequence numbers (可以用來識別這個 log 在 log data 的 position)
Stored data is persistent in nature
Shared between applications (多個 Reader 讀完 data 後,不刪除 data,不影響其他Reader)
RabbitMQ - Building Blocks
- Fanout Exchange
- Direct Exchange
- Topic Exchange
- Header Exchange
- Consistent Hashing Exchange
- Random Exchange
- Sharding
Queues and Consumers
- Queues
- Competing Consumers
- Non-Competing Consumers
- Ephemeral Queues
- Lazy Queues
- Priority Queues
- Deadletter Exchange
- Alternate Exchange
- Virtual Hosts
Traditional queues on steroids
Exchanges, queues and bindings
- Publisher send messages to Exchanges
- Exchanges route messages to Queues and even other Exchanges
- Consumers read from Queues
- Bindings link Exchanges to Queues and even Exchanges to Exchanges
[Publisher]-->[Exchange] ──binding-->[Queue]-->[Consumer]
Publish - Subscribe
Fanout Exchange
Simplest Publish-Sbuscribe pattern
Each consumer receives every message
Publish - Subscribe with Routing
Direct Exchange
Routing by Routing Key
Exact match routing key = binding key
Topic Exchange
Wildcard routing by Routing Key
= match 1 word -
= match multiple words
Header Exchange
Routing by message headers
Note: Quite slow, needs a lot of CPU, does not scale very well
Point-to-Point Messaging
Default Exchange
Direct exchange type
All queues have implicit binding to the default exchange
Route messages by Routing Key to Queue Name
Protecting Against Routing Failures
Alternate Exchange
Not an exchange type, but a configured relationship between two exchanges
Route unrouteable messages to an alternate exchange
Scaling Out Consumers
Non-Competing Consumers
Each consumer receives every message
Scale Out with Competing Consumers
Each Shipping consumer receives a subset of the messages
Scaling Out Queues
Random Exchange
Load balance messages across queues randomly
Scaling Out Queues with Data Locality
Consistent Hashing Exchange
- Partition messages across queues via hashing function over routing key, message header or message property
[9:17 image]
Sharding Plugin and Modulus Exchange
- Partition messages across queues over multiple hosts via hasing function on the routing key.
Queue Limits and Deadletter Exchanges
Apply limits to queues
- Length
- Size
- Time limits (TTL)
Eject messages from a queue when:
- A queue size/length limit reached
- A message has spent longer than the TTL time limit in the queue
Route to a deadletter exchange to avoid message loss
[10:15] from queue to exchange then another queue
Ephemeral Queue
Auto-delete queue
如果最後一位消費者取消訂閱queue或者connection failed
Queue Expiration (TTL)
Exclusive Queues
Auto-Delete Exchanges
Lazy Queues
- Memory optimized queues
Priority Queues
- No longer FIFO
- Publisher sets priority on messages
- Priority Queue moves higher priority messages ahead of lower
- Drawbacks - blocked low priority messages, low priority can eject high priority when queue is full
Virtual Hosts
- Allows Multi-Tenant architecture
- Isolation of groups of exchanges, queues and users
- No routing between two virtual hosts