
Kong Academy 網關學習筆記

由於最近工作上要從自建的網關轉移到 Kong 這個雲原生產品做 API Gateway,怕自己學不成,反而被派去從零開始學寫系統分析,又看到 Kong Gateway Certified Associate Exam 有相關的三個 Lab 可以跟著實作,所以決定寫一篇學習筆記,並且嘗試將自己理解的 Kong 寫下來當作 output 介紹給潛在讀者。

註:有人唸成『控』、但是 Youtube 的 Kong 官方頻道是唸作『抗』,就是香港 / 香江的『Kong』


  1. Education
    • 裡面主要使用以下幾個 courses,註冊帳號後即可 enroll ,但一旦 enroll 了就有三天 due date 期限
      • KGLL-101 Getting Started with Kong Gateway - Services, Routes, Plugins & Consumers
      • KGLL-103 Logging and Analyzing Operational Metrics with Kong
      • KGLL-106 Reduce the Risk of New Software Versions with Canary Deployments
  2. Kong Inc Youtube
    • 官方影片
  3. Kong Gateway Documentation

Core entities

  • Services

    A Service allows an upstream API, microservice or application to be defined in Kong.

  • Routes

    Routes expose services to clients. When a client accesses a Kong route, Kong will route the request to the Service. Multiple routes can be created for a single service.

  • Plugins

    Plugins provide the ability to apply policy or logic to requests and responses. For example, to secure an API, a key authentication can be applied which requires a client to provide a valid key before the API can be accessed. Plugins provide a wide array of functionality, including access control, caching, rate limiting, logging, and more.

  • Consumers

    Consumers represent users or clients of the API. For example, once the Key Authentication plugin has been applied, a consumer is created with credentials to control which consumers can access which. APIs. API usage can be tied to consumers to determine which APIs are used by whom.

Overview of the Course

左邊列有 lesson list 以及每個 task 的說明,右邊則是 terminal / UI / Editor,個人用下來覺得跟 KodeKloud 或者 / Killercoda 介面很類似。但要注意每個 course lab 都有時間限制,超過時間會有一陣子不能 relaunch。

(To be continued)

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