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Spring 6 & Spring Boot 3.X


Learn gradle, lose weight

morally superior in every way

be the change you wanna see in the world…

it’s better than Disneyland

more than two times as good as java 8

it’s oracle, sometimes it’s never simple…(robot tone)

Friends do not let friends write Dockerfile.

Make .jar, not .war!

for legitimately slacking off “MY CODE’S COMPILING”

Use Graphql, don’t use Swagger!

You get it photoshopped at the end of the day!

  1. TestContainers - dependencies - (good for building database automatically)

  2. @ServiceConnection

  3. spring-boot-devtools

    • Changing the scope of Gradle dependencies
  4. Recompile - vs build

  5. @ControllerAdvice

        ProblemDetail handle (ise, rq) {
            // sth
  6. Jakarta ee 9 === Jakarta ee8

  7. spring-boot-starter-actuator

    • show details of the endpoint health

    • URL : localhost:8080/actuator

    • URL : localhost:8080/actuator/metrics

      ### old: book 2.x
      spring cloud sleuth (tracing)
      spring cloud
      spring boot
      spring framework (metrics: mean, median, average)
      // : similar to log4j
      // @Timed -- track how long this method takes
      // ObservationRegistry 
  8. Terminal

    ./mvnw spring-boot:build-image
  9. GraalVM

    • Ahead-of-time compiler
    • But configuration files needed (usually in json files)
    • Goldeneye 007 Elevator music
    • ps -o rss <PID> : retrieve the resident set size
  10. @GetExchange

    Flux<Customer> customers
  11. var wc = builder.baseURL("xxx").build();

  12. resources > graphql

    • 3 operations:
      1. Query (qwee-ree)
      2. Subscription
      3. Mutation (all changes inc. delete, update, etc)
  13. @SchemaMapping

    @SchemaMapping(typeName="Query")  //alias @QueryMapping
    Flux<Customer> customers() {
    		return http...
  14. Pull the apis in a whole

  15. 自訂 typeName (e.g. Customer)

    Customer setting at schema.graphql file

    @SchemaMapping(typeName = "Customer") 
    Profile profiles (Customer cust) {
        // sth
  16. Reactive programming — Mono<Profile>

  17. @BatchMapping

  18. @Argument

    Flux<Customer> customersByName(@Argument String name) {
        return this.http.customersByName(name);
  19. AbstractRoutingDatasource

    • To have a map for datasources
    • Refer to Baeldung

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